[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Processing in Complex Hierarchical Network Systems

BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Processing in Complex Hierarchical Network Systems […]This article covers the problem of processing of Big Data that describe process of complex networks and network systems operation. It also introduces the notion of hierarchical network systems combination into associations and conglomerates alongside with complex networks combination into multiplexes. The analysis is provided […]

[Data Science Central] BigDataFr recommends: Citizen Data Scientist – Care, Feeding and Control

BigDataFr recommends: Citizen Data Scientist – Care, Feeding and Control […]Thanks to Gartner the term ‘Citizen Data Scientist’ has become ingrained in our professional literature, in the strategies of analytic platform developers, and even in the strategies of companies committed to advanced analytics. Gartner also recently forecast that the ranks of the Citizen Data Scientist […]

[Data Science Central] BigDataFr recommends: 19 Worst Mistakes at Data Science Job Interviews

BigDataFr recommends: 19 Worst Mistakes at Data Science Job Interviews […] This applies to many tech job interviews. But here we provide specific advice for data scientists and other professionals with a similar background. More advice is being added regularly. Here’s the list: 1) Not doing any research on the company prior to the interview. […]

[Data Science Central] BigDataFr recommends: Before you jump in make sure you are planning appropriately

BigDataFr recommends: Before you jump in make sure you are planning appropriately […] For a few years now Big Data has drawn the attention of many firms and CIOs. The rewards are major –new business insights, new customer segments, speed (faster time-to-answer, faster time-to-decision, and faster speed-to-market) to driving operational cost efficiencies and even corporate […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Market Model and Optimal Pricing Scheme of Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT)

BigDataFr recommends: Market Model and Optimal Pricing Scheme of Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) […]Big data has been emerging as a new approach in utilizing large datasets to optimize complex system operations. Big data is fueled with Internet-of-Things (IoT) services that generate immense sensory data from numerous sensors and devices. While most current […]